Wintranx Honored with the 14th FinTech Innovation Award – “Financial Technology Empowers Business Innovation Award”


SINGAPORE, Singapore —

On November 3, the “2023 China Financial Technology Annual Meeting and the 14th FinTech Innovation Award Ceremony” sponsored by the “Financial Electronic” magazine, under the jurisdiction of the People’s Bank of China, was held grandly in Suzhou. Shanghai Wintranx Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wintranx), with their [FaaS Foreign Card Acquiring Service Platform Empowers Financial Business Innovation Transformation], won the 14th FinTech Innovation Award for “Financial Technology Empowers Business Innovation Award”.


This event was intended to commend financial institutions and technology enterprises that have made outstanding contributions to financial technology innovation and business development in 2023. The award selection was conducted by an expert group composed of banks, securities, insurance, and other financial institutions conducting strict reviews. Today, it is hailed as the most authoritative and influential annual award in the financial industry, known as the “Oscar” of the fintech industry.


Wintranx’s innovative business system – FaaS (Financial as a Service) foreign card acquiring service platform, which was optimized and launched in 2019, provides comprehensive online acquiring solutions that cover a wide range of services from the Fintech system, Risktech and Regtech. The Wintranx platform can provide global channel pool access, full-stack risk control anti-fraud engine model, cross-border business compliance consulting, and supporting services, quickly empowering the upgrade and transition needs of small- and medium-sized commercial banks, acquiring banks, payment agencies, and businesses operating cross-border business.


Wang Yuan, Chief Operating Officer of Wintranx, said: “We are honored to receive this award, which is a recognition of the team’s tireless efforts and an affirmation of our innovative spirit. We have been specializing in the development industry for 15 years, providing dozens of enterprises with global acquiring system construction and online transaction risk control solutions. We have established long-term strategic cooperation with more than 30 payment agencies, including customers who have been cooperating for many years. As our service philosophy states: ‘Preparation ensures success, while lack of it ensues failure.’ We apply Fintech, Risktech, and Regtech technologies to empower business upgrades and transformations, which not only practically help institutions and businesses solve problems but also promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, achieving a win-win situation in terms of professional objectives and industry breadth, helping usher in the economic resurgence of a great era.”


This award once again proves Wintranx’s leading position in the field of fintech innovation and fully demonstrates its strong ability to empower business innovation and transformation. In the future, Wintranx will continue to practice the innovative concept of “financial + technology”, making financial service technology innovation as one of the important areas of development, and through professional and innovative management, combining the latest technology and information at home and abroad, to pave a high-quality fintech development path.


Headquartered in Singapore, Wintranx is an innovative financial technology company that builds on risk control capabilities, is driven by financial data, and is committed to building a new ecosystem of online cross-border business security.

Focus on cross-border e-commerce business capital risk control, including pre-transaction prevention, fraud interception in transactions, and rapid processing after transactions. In the platform, receivables account appeal, fund freezing, customer complaint handling and other daily operations, understand the platform and international card group rules, and have made considerable achievements.


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