Imperative to use Modern technology in Gender Inclusivity & Women Empowerment: Mushaal


ISLAMABAD  –  Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Human Rights and Women Empowerment, Mushaal Hussein Mulick has said that it is important to use modern technology for the promotion of Gender In­clusivity and Women Em­powerment. 

Mushaal said this in a meet­ing with the delegation of a renowned IT company, Info­comm Technology Pvt. Ltd. The company works on the use of Cloud-based technol­ogy for Women Protect IoT Bands, Women’s Health Mon­itoring via centralized appli­cation to address multi-pur­pose one-window solution. 

Ms Sabien Hussein Mullick (Focal Person to SAPM), Sam Dada (Advisor to SAPM on Gender Inclusion), Sam Anza Akhund Consultant Educa­tion Parliamentarians Cau­cus Senate of Pakistan (EPC), Salma Ashraf (EPC), Ashraf Ghaus (EPC), Saad Arshad Chief Operating Office Info­comm Technology, Minhal Suleman and Mustafa Ali, (a special athlete) were in at­tendance.

Mushaal discussed in length with the delegates topics of mutual interest such as the Elimination of Vi­olence Against Women, Di­versity and Inclusion, Finan­cial Literacy, the introduction of an e-commerce platform to support women-led busi­nesses, one-window solution for payment collections and disbursements, healthcare & traveling.


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